Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A's concern

The other night I was cooking dinner and A was helping me to prep things in a chair next to me. He started asking me questions about our baby that is coming soon. I told him that the baby had to grow for awhile longer in my tummy. He looked at my tummy then at my back and with the deep compasion and concern that he often shows he said "Mommy, your back SNAP." I giggled and gave him a big hug and kiss and told him that I would be alright and my back wouldn't break.
I have defenately felt very pregnant the last few days as all my maturnity clothes no longer cover my tummy all the way and my back is beginning to ache... but I'm feeling great on the whole and can't wait for our baby girl to come, (but not too soon)!


LyndiLou said...

Aren't kids the cutest?!? I love stuff like that! I babysit for the same family quite often sooo the kids there are noticing the changes in my stomach a lot too!!! One of the little girls put her head to my tummy and with concern said "I can't hear your baby crying!" I told her that she wouldn't be able to hear the baby until she was out of my tummy, and that she's ok and isn't crying in my tummy anyway. ;) Fun stuff!!! :)

I'm glad your generally feeling well!!! I'm really excited for you and hope our little girls can be friends! *:D*

Allison said...

Ha! At least he sympathizes with you!

Erin said...

When I was pregnant with Mason, Dylan wanted to name him Mexico Lemon Sparkle Jack. What names have the boys come up with?

Erin said...

so for lack of a better way...
I'm a horrible friend. I was all set to go to the baby shower and then there was a little babysitting snafu. Totally meant to call or email or something... Then I thought, I'll just send a card along with the baby gift. Obviously that hasn't happened yet.
So, my apologies. Hope all is well. xoxo

mid said...