Saturday, December 26, 2009


We have had an eventful Christmas break. We left after school on the 17th and headed down to see Mom and Dad Y, and Ben and Allison's family. We packed our time there with fun family activities including a snow ball fight in 70 degree weather, looking at lights in downtown Riverside, two great dinners out (one with kids and one without), and a couple great dinners at home, decorating sugar cookies with Grammy, and lots of just hanging out and playing. Sabrina, Kevin and Kaleb also came for part of the weekend and it was so great to see them (I think my boys are still small until I see them with their other cousins and then they seem so big!)
We miss the Yrungaray side of the family so much! It is so nice to get together and have no drama and just feel loved and appreciated for who you are!
We came home on Tuesday and ran into some snow on the way so it took us several more hours than usual, but I was so grateful that Matt slowed down so much and really drove carefully! (thanks Mom Y for reminding him of how important this is ! :) )
Wednesday we tried to rest and get things finished up for Christmas, but we were so beat that there wasn't a lot done.
Christmas Eve we went over to my Dad's house for dinner and family time. Dinner was good and we had a great time with each other. We also got some fun things from my dad and got to give him some Christmas ornaments my boys made for him to start his tree.
Christmas morning we opened presents here with our kids and got to enjoy just sitting around for awhile. I also made these amazing cinnamon rolls that you leave in the fridge over night so they are super easy in the morning, plus they were super yummy. Then we headed to my mom's house for more opening of presents... my mom made each of us a snugly :) and we exchanged a few gifts, then we played rock band the rest of the evening. It is a fun game and it's fun to be silly with each other!
Today was another recovery day. we didn't do much of anything, but we will have to get back into routine next week, so that my kids will not be so whiny (it was a tragedy every few minutes this was tough to be the patient one!)
We are so grateful for the season! I am so grateful for my Savior and Redeemer. I am grateful to have the gospel in my life and to give that gift to my children. I am so grateful for ALL of our family and friends. We pray for all of you and hope you can feel our love. You bring joy to our lives that can not be expressed in words.
PS sorry for the lack of pictures, but I don't want to dig out the camera right now, I'm too comfy on the couch right now :)

1 comment:

LyndiLou said...

Merry Christmas Alex!!! *:D* I'm glad that you guys had such a fun break! I know what you mean about getting back into the routine... it's fun to kick back for a while, but we all need some reality sometimes! :) Glad to hear you're well... and having fun besides! Love ya!