Sunday, June 28, 2009

Park City Fun

Over the weekend we were able to go to Park City and learn a little and have a lot of fun with Matt's company Edward Jones. Well doing some of our free time we went on an excursion to the Swaner Ecocenter. There was a festival going on and we had a great time. There were a bunch of free crafts for the kids to do (that is why I wanted to go to begin with, my kids would NEVER get board of crafts, really, NEVER!!!) We spent an hour there first then went to get Matt from the hotel after his meetings were over then had some lunch and came back. My brilliant husband brought his camera with him so we got a few shots of our budding artist.

E had a pallet of all the colors of the rainbow and he used them to fill in wherever there was white showing on the mural that kids had been working on all day. The ladies in charge were very grateful he came along because he really added alot of color to a few places that really needed it!

A had a cup with yellow and orange that he mixed together and made "peach" then found every place that he could to put it! I put it on flowers, in a fish and in a few other places, but then he had to find a place to paint a peach since that is what the name of the color was that he had made. It was so fun to watch them work and work and work on things! They really would have painted all day, but the ladies were ready to close up the booth so they had to stop after about 30 minutes of nonstop creativity.

S was such a good sport she chewed on a carrot stick most of the day and was happy to smile at everyone that told her how cute or pretty she was. We get comments on how beautiful her eyes are everywhere we go. I have to say that I am often mesmerized by them myself.

This is my favorite picture of the day! E really wanted to climb the wall but is afraid of heights. A really wanted him to succeed and stood their encouraging for a long time and then decided to give him a little more help, so he started pushing on his bum...I thought it was so sweet and E went higher with his brother's help than he had done all afternoon.

It was a great weekend filled with making new friends and learning how to do our jobs better (Financial Advisor for Matt and Spouse of a FA for me). Edward Jones really does rock! What other company encourages the spouses of their employees to be a part of their carrier. We are so blessed!

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