Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Here I sit

OK, so here I sit on the couch wishing that I was in the hospital having a baby. I had Andrew already by this point in the pregnancy and Ethan was only a week away from now... so hopefully she will come SOON. I have been up almost all night now 3 night out of the last 5 from all the contractions that I have been having and I am getting worn out! I know it's worth it but she really needs to make some progress soon or my patients is going to run out... not really I can't do a lot about it. (I have tried A LOT of the tricks they tell you to try) I know I'm not even to my due date yet, but I also know that every day that goes by she gets bigger... and with almost 9 lb babies already, I know she shouldn't be tiny.
Anyway I just wanted to whine a little, I can't wait to snuggle her, and share her, and smell her. And I can't wait to see her with her Daddy, brothers and all the other people that just can't wait to see her. I feel so blessed already... I just can't wait to see what she looks like and finally meet her face to face.


Allison said...

The end stinks.

Hope she comes soon - can't wait to hear the news!

Erin said...

OH, I was hoping to read "Here I sit..... at the hospital" Hang in there kiddo. xoxo

LyndiLou said...

You're doing great!!! :) She's just getting cuter and squishier for you! Be brave... you're an amazing Mom and she already apreciates the awesome job you're doing of taking care of her! ;)

Shantell said...

There is nothing worse then waiting and waiting and waiting. I hope that the time goes by quickly for ya. I can't wait to see pictures of her. Sorry I wasn't able to make it to your shower but I really loved the invite.

Alex said...

thanks for the encouragement everyone. I really have had a positive additude until the last couple of days... and now I am such a grump... my poor husband and boys... maybe she's waiting until I'm in a good mood again... I better work on that!!!