Monday, December 29, 2008

lack of sleep

Baby S got a cold from someone on Christmas, so she has been fussy (for her) the last couple of nights and all she wants to do is eat, well be latched on at least... all night long, so I am pretty tired but I feel so blessed to have her, and so blessed that Heavenly Father gives us the gift of loving our brand new babies unconditionally. I haven't for one second been frustrated with her that I have been up so many times a night, but if I had to do it with either of my other kids, I think it would get old :) I just wanted to post some pictures of her with her eyes open so everyone can see her beautiful blue eyes (we hope they will stay that way, but she has a long time before the color is permanent)

I am so blessed to have the kids and Husband that I do, I love them all so much and hope that my gratitude for them is obvious to the Lord.


Erin said...

She is just beautiful. Thanks for sharing those pics with us!

Matt said...

I'll second that, Alex is blessed to have such an amazing Husband. True...Dat!!!!

LyndiLou said...

You guys are too funny... and your baby is just sooo super sweet!!! :)